An apple a day kills you on the spot
An apple a day kills you on the spot
Just like in real life XD
Not a very good concept, especially with changing screens. Is this game even complete? got stuck at maybe the 5th checkpoint with nowhere to go
So slow and only one level
Controls don't seem to work, republish it
I'll check it out. Thanks so much!
Competent game though the UI is tiny and cluttered. It got hard really unexpectedly and the permadeath sucked. Really laggy for what it is
Thanks for the brief and honest review. I do need to improve both UI and performance of the game since it's quite an old game now..
Basic 1+1 level math could've fixed this game lol
Good game concept, although I don't play mobile games so I wouldn't know if it was a cheap knockoff. It's overly simplistic visually. Stuff to add to make the game more interesting would be slopes and branching paths
Neat art, UI, and music, though It's a little simple mechanically. I wish it ran at 60 fps, keeping track of that tiny mouse dot at 30 fps when trying to do the axe throwing is hard.
Amazing tutorial but a lot of the songs and features have broken. Not sure if a Flashplayer update broke stuff or if content was hosted on a page that no longer exists.
I was bit by a dog once
Beyond the stars
Joined on 7/28/11